Risk Factors
This is a list of the primary items involving the business operations, financial soundness and other aspects of the Kagome Group that may be risk factors. The list also includes items that are believed to have a significant effect on investment decisions.
Forward-looking items in this list are based on the judgments of management as of the date of submission of the Securities Report (March 15, 2019). For more information, see the Securities Report in the IR Library.
- (1) Changes in the economy and consumer spending
- (2) Ability to remain competitive
- (3) Risk concerning the procurement of ingredients and products
- (4) Unfavorable weather
- (5) Items concerning safety
- (6) Foreign exchange movements
- (7) Risk of asset impairment losses
- (8) Reliance on external suppliers for some products
- (9) Changes in the market value of securities investments
- (10) New or revised government regulations
- (11) Natural disasters
- (12) Risk concerning IT systems
- (13) Risk concerning the environment
- (14) Country risk