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Customer EngagementCustomer Engagement

Valuing Customer Feedback

We strive to be the company that holds gratitude for our customers close to our heart while remaining to be a customer-supported company. In order to achieve this, we appreciate our communication with customers and strive to provide easily understandable explanations in response to customer inquiries about health and nutrition, safety and security, and other aspects of our products and services. We also reflect customer feedback in the development and improvement of products and services in our efforts to increase customer satisfaction and confidence.

Initiatives at the Customer Service Center

At Kagome, we have set up a dedicated Customer Service Center to respond to questions and inquiries from customers by telephone and online. We promptly share all questions and inquiries internally with the relevant departments, and reflect them in product development and other tasks. We also launched an official Twitter account for the Customer Service Center in 2015 to solicit opinions and questions from more customers and receive inquiries about our products.

Appropriate and Understandable Labeling

Information on food labels includes health-related information, such as allergen and nutritional ingredient information, as well as information that should be provided to customers, such as food additives used for the product and use or non-use of genetically modified ingredients. We strive to provide such information in an understandable manner to prevent misunderstandings and to comply with laws, including the Food Labeling Act.

Disclosure of Information on Raw Ingredient Origins

We receive many inquiries about the raw ingredients of our products and provide information on the origins of raw ingredients in its major products on our official website.

Use of Labels Legible for the Elderly

Kagome promotes the use of Universal Design (UD)* font for product labeling. We also devise creative measures to improve the legibility of important information.
*Universal Design: Designs of products and information that make the products and information accessible to everyone regardless of their cultural background, language, nationality, age, gender, and abilities or disabilities.

UD Font used on the package of Yasai Seikatsu 100
UD Font used on the package of Yasai Seikatsu 100

Braille Label on Tomato Ketchup Container

We include tomato ketchup in Braille on the product container of consumer tomato ketchup products.
*Some products are excluded.

Advertising and Promotional Activities

At Kagome, we position advertising as a highly important means of communication with customers. We actively advertise mainly through television, newspapers, our website, and social media.
When placing advertisements, we try to provide information about the value of our products and our corporate activities in an understandable and attractive manner.
In addition, our advertising department, legal affairs department, and quality assurance department fully check for exaggerations and incorrect information in our advertisements based on laws including the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Act as well as the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations.


Under the philosophy of "corporate openness," Kagome has been working to disclose information to our stakeholders, including customers. As part of such efforts, we launched our official website in 1998. We always consider usability and understandability of this website by referring to opinions and other feedback from users, and provide useful information about our products and corporate activities in a timely manner.
In 2017, we launched a special vegetable information website, "VEGEDAY - Enjoy everyday life with vegetables -." Through this website, we provide useful and correct information about vegetables in an understandable manner.
VEGEDAY website https://www.kagome.co.jp/vegeday/


&KAGOME Website for Kagome Fans

In 2015, Kagome launched "&KAGOME," a website aimed at continuous interactions between Kagome and its fans, under the theme of "Community created by you and Kagome." We provide information about our products, vegetable recipes, and our corporate initiatives in an interactive manner, for example, by using a bulletin board. Through this communication, we aim to be a company that is loved by more customers and continues to be chosen by them.

Copyright (C) KAGOME CO,. Ltd. All rights reserved.