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Maintaining Employment and Respecting Diverse WorkstylesMaintaining Employment and Respecting Diverse Workstyles

Basic Approach to Personnel

Kagome recognizes the importance of valuing its people and fostering a workplace that acknowledges and respects each other's uniqueness and skill sets. Based on this belief, our mission in terms of human resources is to create a fair foundation and culture for value creation aimed at our sustainable growth. Toward this end, we are working to make Kagome an even better place to work by increasing engagement on the individual level through personnel measures implemented from the perspectives of working styles, human resources development and diversity in our workforce.

Promotion of Diversity and Inclusion

We are working to promote diversity and inclusion as a strategy for becoming a strong company capable of sustainable growth. We are working to create new value by utilizing the diverse thinking and experiences of our employees with emphasis given to ensuring psychological safety in the workplace.

Fair, Equitable Employment Conditions and Systems

Kagome believes it is important that individual employees can fully realize their maximum potential, free from discrimination based on nationality, ethnicity, race, creed, thinking, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, or social status, with all of them respecting each other's diverse values.

One element of this belief is our respect for diverse workstyles and life plans. This is reflected in the implementation and enhancement of initiatives including the flex-time system, telecommuting system, system that permits shorter working hours for childcare, and the system for reemploying employees who resigned for personal reasons.

To support employees who desire active lifestyles with a balance between work and family life, Kagome has launched a Work-Family Compatibility Support Site on the company's intranet. This site provides information about support programs, procedures for receiving support, and other information related to family life including childbirth, childrearing, and nursing care.
In addition, to employ diverse human resources pursuant to our corporate philosophy of Corporate Openness, we open our doors not only to new university graduates and mid-career professionals but also to various other job seekers, with a full appreciation of the individuality and personality of every single applicant.

Number of New University Graduates and Mid-Career Hires
Number of New University Graduates and Mid-Career Hires

*The incoming class of new university graduate hires for FY2022 was 14 men and 27 women.

■Employment Situation (Kagome Co., Ltd.)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Permanent employees Men 1,206 1,187 1,189 1,185 1,185 1,154
Women 364 377 403 426 456 474
Total 1,570 1,564 1,592 1,611 1,641 1,628
Average age 40.9 41.2 41.2 41.2 41.2 41.2
Turnover rate 1.4 1.2 1.8 1.2 1.3 1.4

*Data for number of permanent employees and average age is taken from the Annual Securities Report.
*Turnover rate is the ratio of employees who resigned for personal reasons.

■Number of Employees by Region (Kagome Group)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Japan Permanent employees 1,771 1,766 1,792 1,754 1,780 1,816
Temporary employees 1,013 1,001 991 828 818 1,039
United States Permanent employees 406 293 308 352 332 352
Temporary employees 699 748 399 757 407 566
Europe and Africa Permanent employees 222 169 171 268 262 278
Temporary employees 283 220 241 326 204 264
Asia Permanent employees 148 153 150 132 225 215
Temporary employees 49 49 17 0 41 69
Oceania Permanent employees 74 75 83 93 85 161
Temporary employees 85 101 101 236 144 126

System for Reemploying Employees Who Resigned for Personal Reasons

Kagome introduced a system for reemploying employees who resigned for personal reasons in 2006 as part of its efforts to bolster support of work-life balance.
This system is intended for all employees who resigned of their own accord for reasons such as marriage or their spouse's job transfer, including those who switched companies. When the need arises to hire new staff at any business site in Japan, applicants are recruited from among pre-registered former employees. Successful applicants are selected in consideration of their career path and reemployed under fixed-term contracts.
As of May 31, 2022, a total of 133 persons were registered, with a cumulative total of 14 persons reemployed under the system, and eight of them continue to work for the company.

Support for Childcare

To support employees who endeavor to strike a balance between work and childcare, Kagome has introduced a flex-time system, telecommuting system, and system that permits shorter working hours for childcare. Employees with children in the third grade or younger are able reduce their work hours by up to two hours per day.
The number of employees using this system was 66 as of May 31, 2022.
*The number of employees who newly began childcare leave in 2021 (January to December) totaled 73 (36 men and 37 women).

Reemployment of Retirees

In FY2006, Kagome revised its system for reemploying retirees by raising the age limit to 65. This revision was aimed at allowing retirees to continue to find their work satisfactory as well as to make full use of the advanced skills and rich experience of retirees.
Retirees are normally employed as full-time employees (who are not entitled to additional pension rights). In the case of an individual with a high market value, however, that value is reflected in the reemployment conditions. For certain types of work, the required working hours may be reduced to 60% of the normal working hours.
Of Kagome employees who reach retirement age each year, around 90% apply for reemployment. As of June 30, 2022, 78 retired employees have been reemployed.

Employment of People with Disabilities

A large number of people with disabilities are employed at Kagome's Tokyo Head Office, branches, plants, and various other workplaces.

■Average Annual Percentage of Employees with Disabilities
2018 2019 2020 2021
Employment rate 2.64% 2.80% 2.79% 2.75%

*Scope: Kagome Group companies in Japan

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